
Creations ​By iPhoenix

Making all things new again

Creating new from old, unwanted, ​broken and used

A Red Flame in a Dark Background

Meet Phoenix

My name is Michelle and I am a retired disabled veteran ​from the Army who loves to create. I love finding things no ​one wants anymore, or thinks is completely useless and ​turning it into something new, useful, and beautiful. With ​my disability there may be a few flaws in my work, but I ​like to think of it as making it more personal and unique. I ​do this because I love doing it. Check out my blog for my ​full story! And if you want something made specifically for ​you or as a gift just contact me!

Purple Retro Flower Cutout
Purple Retro Flower Cutout
A Red Flame in a Dark Background

A Look at My Work

A Red Flame in a Dark Background

I also create art, logos and ​custom branding


Contact Me


(830) 613-4268
